The IE Experience

What to expect

IE sessions are 60 minutes in duration. After the initial assessment by the practitioner the person lies face down on the table, fully-clothed.

A series of specific light touches (contacts) along the length of the spine are performed. These specific contacts create a response in the nervous system to relinquish its defence tension and move from a default habit of bracing and defending, towards one of ease and movement.

It’s best during a session to remain in a relaxed and aware state, noticing what is happening in your spine and with your breathing. Allow your body to respond and move as it wants to, your body wants to relinquish its tension and learn a more efficient way of organising its energy.

As you progress with the sessions your system will gradually move towards more freedom and develop a Breath Wave, a wavelike movement of breath along your spine. This establishes connection, restores awareness and regains flexibility for your spine and nervous system. This is the objective of the first part of the work.

Once the Breath Wave is established, another healing wave called the Somato-psychic Wave starts to emerge. The Somato-psychic Wave (somato for body, psyche for mind or spirit) creates undulating movements of the vertebrae up and down the spine and also oscillations in specific vertebral segments. The Somato-psychic Wave destabilises entrenched patterns of holding and tension and allows access to untapped energetic resources to create higher levels of functioning and integration, and connection into deeper states of consciousness. These waves are natural strategies of your nervous system and become a new resource for your healing and growth.

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes or fingerprints in the world, each person has their own unique healing waves which have distinct energetic patterns of frequency, light and sound.

Take it easy after your sessions. Don’t do any hard physical labour or exercise for 24 hours. You may notice yourself processing the session for the next few days, as your mind, body and nervous system continue to reorganise and integrate.

The stress that overloads the nervous system may come from physical, mental, emotional or chemical stressors from the past. Your body holds the score from the past stressors that haven’t been fully processed. As a result after the first few sessions you may notice changes:

Physically: Feeling your spine open up and the vertebra starting to regain movement, your breath flowing more easily, and less tension and holding in the body with increased flexibility.

Mentally/emotionally: Different thoughts, memories, vivid dreams and emotional states may be experienced during or after a session. As much as possible, observe them, acknowledge them and let them pass through. This is part of the way the system processes undigested experiences.

Chemically: Old toxins, drugs and chemicals may be released and temporarily re-experienced. Drink plenty of water after a session.